Thursday, 30 April 2015

So I did another round of audio recording with my grandmother. Because of the language and generational (and therefore educational) barrier between us, it becomes a challenge to direct my nana into creating a narrative for the sound recording, so a lot of my finals are sound which has been chopped up a lot to fit together pieces she has told me at completely differing periods of time. Below in the sound cloud link are 4 different versions of the sound recording. In a past post I did say I wanted to more down the fairy route but I have quickly decided against that. Firstly, I think the idea is too well 'airy fairy' I guess and second, because of the language barrier and the nature of my grandmother, I think it would be too difficult for her to tell a story she doesn't understand or know, and therefore I sense there will be this element of the contrived creeping in, which is something I'm not aiming for. I'm aiming for an authentic verbal telling of a story or folktale she knows.

The first version is my initial track from the first session of sound recording. It was just my foundation for the ones which were to follow.

The second is what resulted after my second session of sound recording with my grandmother, she gave me a lot more descriptive information and language which I really liked and I think will benefit my stop animation. I was able to provide some sense of direction but she understood that in her own way and she came out with things I never would have expected.

The third sound recording is a more refined version of the second with the "uhs" and her stumbling. I maintained some of her stumbling with the english language but I removed the uhs and kind of thinking noises. Just texting if that sounds a bit smoother.

The fourth recording is where I have taken out a little bit of information. I basically wanted to test and see if half of the information would be enough for the recording. I also removed the section in which she asks me for the english word and I respond. Even though I like this section because it becomes apparent this is a conversation and story with a grandchild or someone else and not simply a viewer, I just wanted to see what it would sound like without it. 

If anyone has any responses of which they think is more successful, let me know!

This is just a quick update so you know how I'm doing. I looked into the Canon Shutter app, that app however is only compatible with newer models and not my camera so that was a bust. I then googled around and found the app DSLR CONTROLLER BETA from google play which i downloaded onto my mums samsung tablet. This app actually looks amazing. It basically sends the image (what you're seeing in the lens) to the tablet so you can see it larger and you can zoom and move around the change the aperture, shutter speed, iso, etc all on the tablet. You can also take photos on the tablet. This would have been great for my purposes because I can change all the camera settings without actually touching the camera, and therefore not moving it. I was able to test out the camera because I wasn't able to connect the two. I found out I can connect them with a female to female usb connector, so I went online and purchased one of those, simply because there was no physical retailers who sold them, and that came overnight - so quick and amazing! I got it in the mail, I was so happy. I connected it all yay I thought! I loaded the app while watching tutorials videos and my camera is not detected! I was bummed. I restarted everything, and I was so psyched I finally got everything. Didn't work again. I went to the apps website and read the faqs and apparently my camera isn't compatible with the app (it's not even that old!! like 3 years!). So I can't use that app. 

So now I have had to source out another way to take photos without touching the camera. I tried some program camera utility or canon utility or something like that, but it didn't work as I needed the cd and my cd port jams so I didn't want to risk it. I now have a friend who is coming to my birthday on saturday (woo I'm 24 on sat) and he has a physical shutter clicker thing that he is going to lend me! I hope this works! 

If anyone wants to use this program, the DSLR CONTROLLER APP, it seems really promising. I'm sad I wasn't able to use it. It costs $7.99. I suggest learning from my mistakes and checking that your camera is compatible because paying for it (I'm getting a refund anyway) and if you need a female to female usb I brought mine from a lady in WA, she shipped it like 2 hours after I brought it and it was about $3. 
If you are interested in this program below is a link to a youtube video I was referring to. The guy is quite good.

ALSO DANIEL I HOPE YOU READ THIS, THE ARTIST I WAS TELLING YOU ABOUT IS.... BILL VIOLA! The work I was thinking of was "The Stopping Mind', I have provided the link below on Youtube. Reminded me or your work for the first assessment, just a more rapid version. Hope you like it and it helps you!

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

A small video I made in Final Cut after learning how to batch photo's in photoshop. I also played around with Garage band to edit together some of the default sounds of car doors closing to create a rhythm to match the shots.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Samuel Beckett's Influences Across Art & Music

[1973] "Not I" (Samuel Beckett)
Billie Whitelaw talking about her work with Samuel Beckett at the Royal Court Theatre, Chelsea, London. BBC television adaptation of the theatrical original. 

Beckett's seminal theatrical work 'Not I', where he reduced the theatrical elements to the singular image of the mouth the sound of a voice and its expressive range (within what could be interpreted as tending towards the hysterical rather than the depressive) has been referenced across the arts since its first presentation at the Royal Court Theatre in London 1971.  

This work still resonates and has significance for current generations of artists as a source of inspiration. Below  is a direct reference to Beckett's work as a central motif in the work. 

'Clipping' (Official Video)
Published on Apr 8, 2015
"intro" from the 6/10/14 clipping. album, CLPPNG

In my own work I created a directly referential work using the motif of the mouth as the central motif.  It was however mixed between a male & female mouth & included an erotic reference to the consumption of fruit. Autumn Cherries 1993, London.

JN Blank, Autumn Cherries 1993 &  (Bosnian Aid remix) 1994, London. (SVHS video mix) 

Autumn Cherries Blogpost

The digital interference and deliberate inclusion of the destructive nature of the materials (video tape) were part of the deconstructionist aesthetic of the time.  This is also evident in the work of Pipilotti Rist, who I was unaware of at the time of creating the works above. They were more poetic and anti-media in their focus than they were celebrations of popular culture. 


Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Final works for first project.

I choose to use the more rigid, straight lines as opposed to the organic, weaker lines. Because the organic lines parallel the content of the images, the lines are viewed as clumsy and are therefore dismissed, which weakens the entire image. Further, because the straight lines contrast the organic and ephemeral materiality of the images content, they maintain a forceful role within the image and provide a sense of movement and stretching, as the lines push and pull objects and materials.